
Showing posts from 2018

Beta - the final frontier

Almost but not quite yet beta So my game is almost there with a few additions yet to be added but I will work them out before presentations,  a lot of the things working for me mostly came from the original jimmy Vegas tutorials, I have to say it helped a lot but on the other hand it also made it harder coming to the end, some part of me wishes he continued his series to make a full game, but anyway other things that worked well for me was that I was able to add in a character, a weapon that can swing as well as items you need to pick up, sounds worked well in some parts, adding in platforms became easier the 2nd time and adding in key cards was a lot of fun as regards to how things went, then finally adding in the maze helped me give the game structure, I hope to have enemies in the game before presentations things that didn’t work were things like the first set of platforms, they just didn’t want to let me go the direction I wanted when moving sideways, it was mostly due to


Hello and welcome to today's blog on testing my game,  So you said this was "on us" but I decided to do this anyways!  I went over my game and tested each function to make sure everything I did worked well, during my testing I found several things I needed to change, first was that platform stage was too short, so I made it longer, then I made in air platforms but when your landed on them it gave a lot of noise and as the platform script wasn’t working on the earlier one when you jumped I decided to scrap this and go for a more Mario 3d style of jumping forward and sinking platforms, this seemed to work better as you couldn’t stay on them for more than a second or u would plunge into the lava and die, next I tested the maze and made sure that everything worked as intended which also includes the keys for the doors, the walls and everything else also seems to be working, I added textures to everything and next ill add in lamps and enemies and maybe 1 more puzzle and a fi

Unity Free Tutorials

Hey so today instead of adding to my game I decided to correct a lot of errors that was making my game unplayable, first up was the doors they were not working as intended so I add in better animations to make it so they would open the way I wanted them to, next I tried different ways to implement each of the platforms but it turns out in the end I was unable to make them work going sideways and with jumping so I had to take most of them out instead I made platforms move back and forward, the I may add in some platforms that move up and down also, I’m unsure at this point, all I have to do now is add in some sounds and enemies to fight and a way to trigger a weapon hit when I attack and get hit on a trigger, next ill maybe add in some check points to make it work better, I also fixed up the maze so it doesn't look as bad with blocks sticking out of place, finally I added in a full enclosed dungeon where you can't see outside, next ill add in some torches and then 1 final puzzl

Games Testing

Hello and welcome back to my blog, in today’s entry we will be discussing how to give good constructive criticism / feedback and what not to do. When giving constrictive criticism it can be hard because more so than often we let our feelings get involved and rather than being honest with someone and giving them feedback that would help them we more or less too often will just tell them what we think they want to hear because we don't want to hurt their feelings or we don't have the ability to be in any sort of confrontation or to cause a fuss so this is why we need to use good constructive criticism. So can giving criticism be a good thing? yes I believe it can, provided that you using constructive criticism, if done right you can give them vital information they need in order to improve on whatever the task is that they are doing, which in turn can help them avoid making mistakes or avoid falling into a back situation themselves, also if done right it will give you a

Alpha - Battle For Cleotopia

Battle For Cleotopia My game so far, maze with key to open doors For my game so far I’ve added and fixed a lot of the previous problems I’ve been having but in doing so I’ve added in more problems, so I’ve added 4 new things, the first 2 is a new door system that responds to a key, I've placed 3 keys so far in the game and each one opens a door, the first is back in the house, the 2nd is after u get across the platforms with lava and the 3rd is inside the maze, each door has a connection to the key through a series of scripts, once you click on the key the first script activates the door to be used with they and removes the collider of the key so it disappears, when you click on the door it opens with the press of E and makes a sound(I had to manually figure out how to put a sound in as it wasn’t in the tutorial) with the key gone you can still somehow keep pressing the door(think I need to set it back to false somehow) next thing I added was making the keys rotate like

Unity Free Tutorials

Hey welcome back to my unity game series, in this tutorial I explored on how to not only fix my platforms but make the work better and move different directions and even spin around. unfortunately, I had to delete the enemies as it wasn’t working right. so for the platforms the way I went about this I had to delete my old platforms and then add in new ones, I then looked for a tutorial on how to do it and after all my hard work I figured out the problem but also found a new problem which I will discuss with my teacher and then progress, but the good thing is I have 4 different types of platforms, the first 3 are moving left to right platforms, each moves at a different speed, the 4th is a back and forth platform, the 5th is a static platform and the 6th I changed the gem rotate script a bit and now I have a rotating platform, the problem I am having is when I jump onto the platforms I end up changing direction and when I leave them my character also changes direction making it rea

Games Stories

In today's blog i will be discussing if games can be art and whats the value in making an art game as opposed to making a game for entertainment purposes. in the first reading we talk about the hero or heroine of the story and how they progress through the story and who they may or may not meet to shape them into the character that will save the day. but what really is the use to a story of hero/heroines journey in a game and why is it important? Firstly it's important because people value myths in society but also people love a good mystery and also like the feel like they can connect with the character and get emotionally involved with her/him, but myths help us teach each other how we should behave towards one another. the thing is myths are believable, just because you can't see something doesn't make it not real, the bible is a good example of this, not many people have seen god and yet the whole world believes in them. sure lots of suicide bombers would oft

First playable level

Hi so in my first level there has been a good few changes from my prototype, the prototype level has a house with you starting off inside it, inside there is a trigger to open the door and as you walk outside there is a fence around the house and an outside barrier to stop you from going out of bounds, next is a lake with water inside and lots of trees and bushes, each has its own wind force, next is a gem which you collect at the start which is surrounded by mist, after getting the gem there's an axe attached to a tree which you have to pick up, this is your weapon so things that worked well for me would be I tried to add in more terrain, I added in textures and expanded the level a good large amount, I added in a big level in which has enemies inside, next I added in a lower level and a 2nd pool of water and changed the texture to a more orange look giving it the feel of lava, then I moved the level down somewhat so you can sink into it, after this I added in platforms for y

Week 8 Progress

So today I’m going to talk about my progress so far and how I’ve managed my time during the whole process. So for the most part I am fairly happy with how I am handling this semester and thankful that I have kept to a better schedule than last year, I’ve been doing things on time rather than leaving them to last minute, I will however say that I could most definitely be sleeping a lot better than I have been, I tend to just not go to sleep when I should which has and will affect how I get stuff done, I do feel in some essence I could be doing a little bit more to help myself in my projects. My weekly routine is good but it could be better, I for the most part tend to do stuff on the days it's due, sometimes this works out and sometimes it doesn’t, but it has worked for me so far, some projects I do give a few days though and not all at once, so in that respect I’ve improved from my lazy ways, I tend to get up on time for the most part even if I’m really tired as I would ra

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Today I’ll be talking about the comments I sent and received in my blogs and how things will go looking forward, firstly I wish to talk about all the comments I have gotten on my blogs, while I’ve only received a handful each one I read and am thankful for the feedback, especially the one on my final GDD where I was given some good feedback as to both the good and bad parts of my game and how the story and background of the characters was well thought out, some of the constructive criticism I got was how the mood of the game would be and it's going to be an all over the place mood, sometimes you will have to think, other times you will be overwhelmed by enemies, other times you will be happy or sad as the story goes on. the main reason why I went with my current game out of them all was because I love RPG games as my favorite game series of all time is an RPG called legend of Zelda. As for the feedback I’ve given, I would say I’ve given fair feedback I wasn’t harsh on anyon

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Since I started doing these assignments I do feel my spelling has improved a lot, I’m enjoying all the stuff especially the unity tutorials, ever since I was a little girl all I wanted to do was play video games for a living and as I grew that turned into wanting to make a game so for me this is kind of like a dream come true for me, I just love everything to do with computer games. I would have to say my favorite  reading has the be the unity tutorial 5-7 when I made the weapon work well enough to make it a proper item, I really do love the game mechanics in a game but making them seems even more fun to me. For me I do feel the reading notes help a lot when making a game, they helped me build a foundation and plan to get ideas into check so I could start building both the story of the game, the characters, the game mechanics and even the foundation and first part of the game starting area, it also helped me push myself to use unity as 2 years ago I was doing a games course an

Prototype - Battle for Cleotopia

Level Design First Level layout/prototype My level Design will consist of a lot of things I will try to implement a starting screen but first i want to get the game working, my level design will consist of awaking inside a house to a noise at the door, it will be a cat who gives you a note which says your brother has summoned you to goto the castle as you exit the note you will have to pick up all your items and set out and open the door, once outside you will be greeted by a lake and a forest, you need to locate your weapon which can be found further down the road, next you will have to cross platforms where there will be lava to kill you, once across the other side you will have to kill 3 enemies once they are dead the door to the temple will open, inside will be a puzzle to solve, once solved the door will open and you will have to kill 3 more guards to open the next door, once open you will have to go through a maze to find a key to open the door to fight the last bo

Unity Free Tutorials

So in my first tutorial i continued jimmy vegas because i wanted to learn how to open and close a door as well as enter a house which is exactly what i did, i added in a trigger which was a small box on the ground and i set my character inside the house so when you start the game your inside the house, the trigger plays a sound and rotates the door to open based on a script and animation created earlier which i attached to a hinge, i also made the house and door have collisions so you can't walk through them, next tutorial i added in some ground to make it feel more like you were walking through a forest, next i added in more trees to give it a more homely feel, then i smoothed out the ground so you have a passage to walk through the mountains, after that i covered the whole starting area to have a feel of a forest, next i added in a particle system which i changed the shape to be a sphere, added the gray/white colour and then added in a opacity of 12 to make it look see through

Game Fun

muds aka ( Multi-User Dimension's) aka was similar to today's  MMORPG's(massive multiplayer online role playing game), they mostly consisted of 4 approaches  and these were two versions of play which was Action vs Interaction and world oriented vs player oriented  which in today's views would be hack and slash and questing + pve and pvp,  generally  these types of games are very social. muds have been around a long time back as far as 1978 game made by trubshaw which would make them over 40 years old. generally  muds need to be "fun" but not the full subject matter, but they were games and people would choose magical names rather than using there own ones. Muds can be considered games because they fall under what describes a game aka  pastime, sport, entertainment and amusement. but are MUDS actually games? like D&D or pastimes like reading, or sports like hunting, which could be today's FPS (first person shooters) games or entertainment like on

Final GDD

How my game looks so far Hi and welcome to my Final Game Design Document for my game Battle For Cleotopia, i put a lot of work into this so far so i hope i can make what iv'e set out for, really enjoying the process, i hope you like it and thanks for reading :) Here is a link to my dundoc Game Design Document project: My Dundoc Project Feel free to ask me any game questions or make any helpful suggestions, your feed back is welcome and much appreciated :)

Unity Tutorial 05

Hello and welcome to my blog on Jimmy Vegas tutorials In episode 9 I learned how to implement a sky box and how to manipulate it so I can change the whole setting through lighting, colour and even attach the lighting to the character and turn down the settings on the normal lighting to 0 and give sort of a dark creepy vibe like the game  Slender: The Eight Pages where you walk around with a torch, I guess in some way you could code it so the light is only operational when you press a key. Next, I learned how to implement a wind zone which created a more realistic feel to the trees, grass however has its own wind zone so it's unaffected by it. next I learned how to attach it to a character so you could make it only work when the character is near them, I could see this being good in some games as it would mean less lag input due to not every tree in the game moving, next there was a way to make it so the grass moved within a certain wind zone of say 5 yards so you could make

Games Decisions

So today will be discussing an article by Daniel Cook in where he talks about an app which appends to involve some the core concepts of game design and how fun is introduced. He starts off by talking about cosiness, so what is cosy? Cosiness is how strong a game evokes fantasy of safety, abundance and softness. each of these elements make a game have very little risk, most things like food and shelter and provided and the game gives a low level of stress vibe so it's more about being safe and it also sometimes involves ways to make you more feeling good about yourself. This usually involves setting a safe precise place for people to escape there day to day life and opt in for a more relaxed safe space where they can get lost in a fantasy world. As humans when we get hungry, we are motivated to get some food because we need it, same can be said in computer games, when we want to escape the stress of life, we tend to go to them instead. if you can make players come b

Game Design Document

Battle For Celotopia My Dundoc link So for my game design document i used Dundoc, it's a website with templates and such to help you put together a well designed GDD, i used the starter template. In my GDD i talk about a lot of things to do with my game, from how i started to the story and even to the technical specs for the game, i went into some concept art and also added some more information to each character, i found it really hard to use but over time i got used to putting it together, it seems like over time i could make a better more up to date one but some of it was hard to understand so i did what I could, i do hope you enjoy, find the link to my GDD under the above picture. Thanks for reading/viewing my GDD ~Dani~

Unity Tutorial 05

So in the 3 tutorials I learned a lot, in the first I learned how to create several cursors around the main cursor, I also learned how to add in text when I hover over items to tell you both the key to press and take the item, next I learned how to make a script to take the gem and play a sound when I pressed the key I needed, I removed the script to take the gem when I walked into it, and then I added the sound back, so when I press E while looking at the gem it would then take the gem and remove it by setting it to false and plays the sound to take the gem next we added in fences to make it so the world looked more bigger and make them a box collider so u couldn’t walk through them, after that we started to import a weapon of an axe, here we had to move the axe around and set it into place inform of the character, next we had to record an animation for the axe where it would swing forward, then we added in some values over a 30 frames per second to make it so the animation was rec

Games GDD

in todays blog were gonna discuss games to be more specific board games made from ideas and or video games, usualy board games have peices and to really make things work you need to have them smaller than the spaces otherwise they can touch and cause it to be hard to move things around. next try to keep peices different colours to make it alot easier to determine a peice from the board it's self, you also have to take into account some people are colour blind so picking the right colours is vital to a popular game. though even to some extent colours can be not enough so making peices different shapes helps even more so you can fully tell one from the other. this espcialy works well with cards because using similar pictures can make it really hard to tell one from the other espcialy with colour blind people. Monopoly is a great example of good peices, each one is different so you can clearly tell whats what making it so everyone can understand the game, things are named too so