Week 8 Reading and Writing

Since I started doing these assignments I do feel my spelling has improved a lot, I’m enjoying all the stuff especially the unity tutorials, ever since I was a little girl all I wanted to do was play video games for a living and as I grew that turned into wanting to make a game so for me this is kind of like a dream come true for me, I just love everything to do with computer games.

I would have to say my favorite reading has the be the unity tutorial 5-7 when I made the weapon work well enough to make it a proper item, I really do love the game mechanics in a game but making them seems even more fun to me.

For me I do feel the reading notes help a lot when making a game, they helped me build a foundation and plan to get ideas into check so I could start building both the story of the game, the characters, the game mechanics and even the foundation and first part of the game starting area, it also helped me push myself to use unity as 2 years ago I was doing a games course and I wished we used it then but I never pushed myself to try it again so I’m happy for it now, I also love the fact it can be used for video making too which is my other passion.

I’ve discovered a few like dundoc helped me put my game together and showed me where I could go with it, I’ve also learned that you can put together a plan quickly if you just do the necessary steps to put that plan into motion.

So far I am really happy with how my game is going, I can already imagine how it will be once it's finished and I can't wait for that, I plan to add so much to the game half of which will most likely be after the assignment is due as I plan to make 10 levels at least but only 1 for the assignment.
I hope to find out more about making games, so I can try and push for better game that I will enjoy playing, I know I did with my other game I made in game maker 3D.

I would say my biggest accomplishment so far would be putting the game together, and learning a new coding language as I do know java but C# is also fun just need to get used to it, but I have been putting in a lot of time with my game because to me it’s something I would do for fun so it's just a bonus that it also doubles as an assignment, I have to say though that I hope I can make the game how I want it to be so not only I can enjoy it but hopefully others will be able to enjoy playing it too, I loved making the story for the game too, there's so much I want to do but so hard to find the time to do it.

this is my favorite picture

For me this is my favorite part of all the blogs, why? because this is where my game started to take shape, when everything fell into place, now I can build on what I have and make my game look the way I want it to, I just need to add in a few things and then it's mostly just copy paste to build the levels.
for me making a game is something I enjoy because I’ve been playing games since I was 5 back on the ole Atari and commodore 64, so when I did this tutorials I just knew I was going to be able to finish my game but up until then my game was a bit scattered but now I’m happy I can finish it.

looking forward I will dedicate more time to putting together all the writings for the class and make sure that I balance my time so I can make a better plan to progress through the module, I also plan to look up a lot more tutorials on how to improve my game, things like shooting a bow, swapping weapons, hitting enemies, moving platforms, enemies with AI and finally npcs with scrips to say things and to activate triggers on completion of the quests as well as ad a UI for keys and weapons and any items I put into the game and then add a home screen etc.


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