Prototype - Battle for Cleotopia

Level Design

First Level layout/prototype

My level Design will consist of a lot of things I will try to implement a starting screen but first i want to get the game working, my level design will consist of awaking inside a house to a noise at the door, it will be a cat who gives you a note which says your brother has summoned you to goto the castle as you exit the note you will have to pick up all your items and set out and open the door, once outside you will be greeted by a lake and a forest, you need to locate your weapon which can be found further down the road, next you will have to cross platforms where there will be lava to kill you, once across the other side you will have to kill 3 enemies once they are dead the door to the temple will open, inside will be a puzzle to solve, once solved the door will open and you will have to kill 3 more guards to open the next door, once open you will have to go through a maze to find a key to open the door to fight the last boss who is the evil witch once you beat her your family will appear and you will have completed he game.

My Prototype

Game Prototype and Progress

The Prototype consists of the following, wind conditions for both grass, bushes, trees and plants, it has a layout of a walls to set the area of movement, the character has all the movement needed and is in first person at the moment but i hope to make it third person which ill put in later, I've set up water and made it look like a pond with adding in bushes to surround it, iv'e added in also a path, weapons and items to collect, as well as mist and a fade in screen for when the game starts, iv'e placed the character into the house which has a door to open and later items to collect, iv'e added in a sky-box and sounds for each item and finally iv'e added in a layout that guides you through the game and a ui to show actions and where the cursor is.

Things iv'e found Difficult and things i did well

Things iv'e found Difficult so far would be adding in the environment to the game, this consisted of a lot of things from changing the wind direction for the trees to be just right and then the grass having its own wind mechanics, next was making a sky-box to give the game a feel for having clouds and such, next i had to change the area effects around the trees to add in mist which took a lot of fine tuning and once done gave an amazing effect, but all this took a lot of time so it was very difficult, next thing that was hard was getting the door to open with a key press which will be in the final game but at the moment it triggers due to walking into a box, 
setting up the weapon was also a challenge as i not only had to have a weapon swing, but also have it unequipped at the start and then pick it up which involved having to set the axe to false and have 2 if statements to listen for picking up the axe and pressing the e key which would then allow you to swing the axe, but i also had to turn off the axe sounds and swing which was a pain.

things that went well was everything, most of it was time consuming but i really enjoyed making the door and the mist, as well as adding in the trees and layout and then making invisible walls so people couldn't walk out of bounds which really felt good. i really enjoyed putting together the weapon and the ui cursor and layout even though it took a good while to figure it all out.
i am enjoying making the house and plan to make it feel more homely by the due release of the full game.

How i'm meeting my targets for my plan

with the help of jimmy vegas and a lot of other youtube creators iv'e been able to put together a lot in such a short space of time, iv'e been budgeting at least 6-8 hours a week on making the game and so far iv'e had a lot of progress, iv'e managed to put together a layout for the game and completed at least 50% of what i feel will make he finished game, a good bit of what I've done can be replicated to make out the rest of the levels, it's more about getting the tutorials i need for putting in enemies and hitting them with the weapon as well as adding in keys and triggers for the doors and once iv'e done all that i should be able to put together the full game which i feel will take me maybe 20 more hours of work but with time and patience i will get there, i just need to make sure i put the hours in and stick to a schedule and the game will be finished, 
one more thing i would like to add is i am really enjoying making the game and i feel it's going well because i'm passionate about making games and it feels more like a hobby for me than an assignment, i really can't wait to finish my game and i hope it will turn out as iv'e planned 


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