Unity Free Tutorials

Hey so today instead of adding to my game I decided to correct a lot of errors that was making my game unplayable, first up was the doors they were not working as intended so I add in better animations to make it so they would open the way I wanted them to, next I tried different ways to implement each of the platforms but it turns out in the end I was unable to make them work going sideways and with jumping so I had to take most of them out instead I made platforms move back and forward, the I may add in some platforms that move up and down also, I’m unsure at this point, all I have to do now is add in some sounds and enemies to fight and a way to trigger a weapon hit when I attack and get hit on a trigger, next ill maybe add in some check points to make it work better, I also fixed up the maze so it doesn't look as bad with blocks sticking out of place, finally I added in a full enclosed dungeon where you can't see outside, next ill add in some torches and then 1 final puzzle before the final boss.

I hope to have my game fully finished come next week :)


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