Alpha - Battle For Cleotopia

Battle For Cleotopia

My game so far, maze with key to open doors

For my game so far I’ve added and fixed a lot of the previous problems I’ve been having but in doing so I’ve added in more problems, so I’ve added 4 new things, the first 2 is a new door system that responds to a key, I've placed 3 keys so far in the game and each one opens a door, the first is back in the house, the 2nd is after u get across the platforms with lava and the 3rd is inside the maze, each door has a connection to the key through a series of scripts, once you click on the key the first script activates the door to be used with they and removes the collider of the key so it disappears, when you click on the door it opens with the press of E and makes a sound(I had to manually figure out how to put a sound in as it wasn’t in the tutorial) with the key gone you can still somehow keep pressing the door(think I need to set it back to false somehow) next thing I added was making the keys rotate like the gem (but I can't figure what I need to set as the trigger to make the key sound not infinitely go off when I’m beside it) I also can't add in the UI to show the pickup item script that jimmy Vegas previously did.
the 2nd thing I added in was a box collider to trigger a respawn which will send you back to the start of the level, I can see this being used on enemies to spawn you back at the start, I placed it under the lava so when you land in you die, now thing also seems to warrant a 2nd option to use them as portals, I could set up a box which when you collide with them it opens a door back at the start to portal you to another level or I could just make a maze where you portal in doors to find the exit, or even add in so you could use it as a speed boost or portal to secret rooms etc, so many ways it can be used.
 so far, my game is looking decent and I can't wait to add more to it ^_^


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