Games GDD

in todays blog were gonna discuss games to be more specific board games made from ideas and or video games, usualy board games have peices and to really make things work you need to have them smaller than the spaces otherwise they can touch and cause it to be hard to move things around.

next try to keep peices different colours to make it alot easier to determine a peice from the board it's self, you also have to take into account some people are colour blind so picking the right colours is vital to a popular game.

though even to some extent colours can be not enough so making peices different shapes helps even more so you can fully tell one from the other. this espcialy works well with cards because using similar pictures can make it really hard to tell one from the other espcialy with colour blind people.

Monopoly is a great example of good peices, each one is different so you can clearly tell whats what making it so everyone can understand the game, things are named too so even someone colour blind can tell what everything is.

if icons are used try to be very details with them otherwise it can be hard to tell one from another.
try to make it so starting tiles are always a different colour too.

Fonts are also a key element in making a game, there is alot of fonts out there that are either unreadable or too small or big, or too squished or spread out, things like this can throw a lot of people off in a game, make sure your fonts are readable.

The box the game comes in it's self is also very important, mostly because you want to give a good first impression so people want to buy your game, otherwise it will never get played, thing like font and good infomation on both the front and espicalhy on the back of the box is what people look at first and make sure to print opsites sides of the box so this way your game title can be seen from all angles.

Next is cards, now it may seem easy to design them but there's lots to take into consideration, like the font and how it's placed, people need to be able to read the cards from all angles because they dont have to have to turn cards around while playing a game so make sure to use large enough indices and use a white boarder so it pops out to the person and lastly also make some to include replacement cards like a joker in a deck.

have a good theme with cards because usualy in games like monopoly everyone knows what hppens when you land on a property or a comunity chest etc.
you want players to be able to understand how to progress in the game.

lastly every game needs rules, each game has different rules but there is a few guidelines to follow, try to be exact with them because confusion can easly happen espicaly if there is people who never played before so include alot of examples.

but mostly make sure your game is fun by setting out good rules to follow.

Image result for board games


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