
Showing posts from September, 2018

My Time Strategies

For me i found time management i pain in the past, mostly because i'm lazy and procrastinate a lot when i should just get on with things, most of that has to do with me being in bad habits. in the above links i discovered that looking after yourself is a big key to time management because how can you manage your time if your not thinking straight due to not looking after yourself like not sleeping enough or at wrong times, not eating well or not eating when you should. Also i found that meditating helps clear the mind and can make managing things a lot easier when it comes to classes and assignments due and help to keep on top of things For me i feel my biggest time challenges will be to start assignments when i get them rather than waiting till last minute, i find i tend to do this a lot and i hope to break that habit this semester. Dont do too many things at once.

Technology and my thoughts

So with all the technology we have at our disposal i honestly think a direct link updated every week to the class announcements put on moodle would be great so we don't miss anything. its hard to bookmark when you don't have the same PC every time but i can try but i don't see it as a viable option. I honestly never used any of these tools except bookmarking and Wikipedia but i can say i'm very familiar with these 2 and i'm skeptical about using the others but we will see. I feel like with other classes moodle was more streight foward, would be nice to have a link on the main page to all this information rather than having to go look for it. I wish to get better as time keeping but i am trying my best ~Dani~


With all the assignments put forward i have to say i'm intrested alot in the unity assignemt because i like creating visual things and i also did a 1 year games course in 2016 which i found alot of fun, i'm least looking forward to the blog commets as i'm not good at thoes. I feel like a lot of what were doing is a bit intimidating as there's a lot to do and since iv'e never had something like this i can't say how it will go but i do feel that while the support is there i honestly would like more 1v1 feed back so i dont feel left out. I honestly think even tho there's time to get extra credit i also feel there is much to be done in other subjects so i dont know if ill have time to do any. all and all i feel like we might strugle to start but hopefuly we will get into it as time goes on but i do believe that ill get the hang of it i just need to stick with it but a bit of guideance in class would help alot. but i am looking forward to challengi

Growth Mindset

In this blog ill be talking about growth mindset and my thoughts and understandings on the subject. From what i could see the subject is very interesting to say the least that a child could learn better with the "not yet or yet" compared to you got an "F" on your test shows that children tend to give up when faced with failure but when faced with i'm almost there they tend to want to keep pushing themselves and that in a sense is definitely amazing to hear. Before today i had never heard of Carol Dweck or any of her work, but after reading about it in my college assignment i'm starting to think it's definitely worth using in schools in the future. I feel with myself iv'e always been pushed to get A's and never to think if i fail that i can keep going because i honestly feel bad about myself when i do fail. but life has also thought me that nothing comes easy so always do your best. Iv'e learned alot about myself as a person and how i

Dani Introduction Post

Hi my name is Dani and i am a student, i love everything about the college and only hope to grow as a person as time goes on. My favorite class last semester was Storytelling & Narrative, it allowed me to express my creative side and produce work i didn't know i was capable of, i love video editing and i only hope to improve on it. My biggest accomplishments last semester was getting good grades in my ca's so i didn't have to repeat and also being picked out for a paper and having one of my creations being displayed as something of value. My goals for this module is to firstly pass and then i hope to someday be a big movie director living in New York or japan making movies for people be it on a big screen or a small one like youtube, i just really enjoy seeing people smile at any work i do, i hope to some day inspire others to live a better life. Movie making is in my blood My fav

Workshop 01

So in today's lecture we answered some questions and did some exercises, the exercise was about 4 ways and 4 traffic lights asking how they worked and honestly there was only 2 ways, first was that the left and right hand side lights were red while the top and bottom lights were green, and the visa versa top and bottom would be red while left and right were green, however this would cause problems, the 2nd idea what that each light would be red but 1 allowing that lane to go 1 at a time until a period of time and then it would swap to the next one and so on. I felt the delivery method of the lecture was really good and i took in a lot of the information and it really made me think a lot about things in life, it was a lot of fun interacting with people in my class and was definitely challenging but i myself do enjoy a good challenge, the part where we worked in groups was good too allowed me to get feed back and help me understand things better and to see them from another perspec

Favorite Game

Legend of Zelda breath of the wild Female link Princess Zelda Legend of Zelda wind waker


this is a test blog