Unity Free Tutorials

Hey welcome back to my unity game series, in this tutorial I explored on how to not only fix my platforms but make the work better and move different directions and even spin around. unfortunately, I had to delete the enemies as it wasn’t working right.

so for the platforms the way I went about this I had to delete my old platforms and then add in new ones, I then looked for a tutorial on how to do it and after all my hard work I figured out the problem but also found a new problem which I will discuss with my teacher and then progress, but the good thing is I have 4 different types of platforms, the first 3 are moving left to right platforms, each moves at a different speed, the 4th is a back and forth platform, the 5th is a static platform and the 6th I changed the gem rotate script a bit and now I have a rotating platform, the problem I am having is when I jump onto the platforms I end up changing direction and when I leave them my character also changes direction making it really hard to jump, there seems to be a problem which I don’t know yet.

for the 2nd part I looked up a tutorial on how to create a maze in where I added in blocks and assets to change the layout to fit how I wanted to make it look, I plan to add in moving walls and even a key card at some point, I’ve yet to also fix the doors but I’ll ask again for some advice on that, other than that my game needs some enemies and a boss and it should be done :)

the new progress on my game

my full game upto this point.


  1. Hey Dani! You're game is really making some great progress here I can just tell you've put so much work into getting it to where it is now. I find Unity free tutorials really helpful as it allows you to pick tutorials that'll help you improve and develop your game instead of ones that might not be something you want in your game. The maze looks so cool! Well done on working until you solved your problem, it can be tedious at times but your game looks really cool. Best of luck Dani!


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