Week 8 Progress

So today I’m going to talk about my progress so far and how I’ve managed my time during the whole process.

So for the most part I am fairly happy with how I am handling this semester and thankful that I have kept to a better schedule than last year, I’ve been doing things on time rather than leaving them to last minute, I will however say that I could most definitely be sleeping a lot better than I have been, I tend to just not go to sleep when I should which has and will affect how I get stuff done, I do feel in some essence I could be doing a little bit more to help myself in my projects.

My weekly routine is good but it could be better, I for the most part tend to do stuff on the days it's due, sometimes this works out and sometimes it doesn’t, but it has worked for me so far, some projects I do give a few days though and not all at once, so in that respect I’ve improved from my lazy ways, I tend to get up on time for the most part even if I’m really tired as I would rather be in class than sleeping, I don’t think I’ve missed a class yet so I’m proud of that also.

the class assignments I’ve enjoyed the most about Multimedia Development would be the unity tutorials, I just love making games, it's always fun for me especially since I’ve been playing them since I was a little girl, 5-year-old me defeating Mario for the first time.

I have not yet done any of the extra credit modules but now that I know I need to be above 360 for an A I might end up having to do them this weekend to get me above the 360 mark :)

For the 2nd half of the semester I need to push myself to do more not only in Multimedia Development but also in my other subjects, I need to buckle down and just get the work done, I’ll have time to relax when it's the Christmas holidays, so I’m going to put on my big boots and push forward.

I do want to try avoiding doing everything last minute as I’ve done that in the past and I can't afford to because I’ve got so much to hand in and not as much time to do it as I would like but I will do my best regardless.

I want to try smash out 2 assignments every week before the end of the semester, so I don’t have to stress myself out to the point where I feel like quitting, I did that last year so I’m going to make sure I keep pushing forward and doing everything I need to and use my free time wisely.


  1. Excellent work in MD1 this semester Dani, try not get too stressed, you have this module well and truly under control


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