Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Today I’ll be talking about the comments I sent and received in my blogs and how things will go looking forward, firstly I wish to talk about all the comments I have gotten on my blogs, while I’ve only received a handful each one I read and am thankful for the feedback, especially the one on my final GDD where I was given some good feedback as to both the good and bad parts of my game and how the story and background of the characters was well thought out, some of the constructive criticism I got was how the mood of the game would be and it's going to be an all over the place mood, sometimes you will have to think, other times you will be overwhelmed by enemies, other times you will be happy or sad as the story goes on.
the main reason why I went with my current game out of them all was because I love RPG games as my favorite game series of all time is an RPG called legend of Zelda.

As for the feedback I’ve given, I would say I’ve given fair feedback I wasn’t harsh on anyone as I believe we should pick each other back up rather than putting anyone down but I did offer some advice on things I felt that could be added to projects and the game it's self like adding in music or spells to make the game easier to adding in enemies to make some games more intense to even making a game that might just be a mystery into more of a horror mystery game like adding in zombies for instance, so in a sense giving others feedback has allowed me to think more outside the box and this has got me thinking about more ideas for my own game as well as things I would of never thought of doing before checking out others work on their blogs.

As for the people themselves, I feel I’ve gotten to know some of my classmates a little better than I did before I started, I enjoyed reading both their game posts and the introduction posts helped me learn a lot about everyone in the class.
In a sense learned things about myself too, everyone is so nice and I hope that everyone will pass and move onto 3rd year, for me though I have to say I did enjoy commenting on others as I love to help others out if I can somehow even give them an idea to inspire things that they could do better than I’m happy I could help,
I am happy with how I made my own introduction post, there would be a small few changes but overall it gives the message I wanted to give which is that I have a lot of interests and just wish to get along with everyone.

I feel if I want to make my feedback better to help others I need to look more into their thought process and where I feel like they have set the direction for their posts and their game, so I’ll try to offer as much help as I can so they can hopefully get something from it to help them in any way possible, as for myself I feel I could do with reading a bit more and looking more into any comments left on my blogs as well as just working hard with the time I have to get my assignments done as quick as I can so things will work out for the best and give me more time to work on everything else I  have to do, I also feel looking up more tutorials will defiantly help a lot.

Legend of Zelda

To finish off i just wanted to say iv'e enjoy all the comments and i do hope with all the help i can turn my game into something similar to my favorite game of all time which is legend of zelda as shown in the image :)


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