Games Testing

Hello and welcome back to my blog, in today’s entry we will be discussing how to give good constructive criticism/feedback and what not to do.

When giving constrictive criticism it can be hard because more so than often we let our feelings get involved and rather than being honest with someone and giving them feedback that would help them we more or less too often will just tell them what we think they want to hear because we don't want to hurt their feelings or we don't have the ability to be in any sort of confrontation or to cause a fuss so this is why we need to use good constructive criticism.

So can giving criticism be a good thing? yes I believe it can, provided that you using constructive criticism, if done right you can give them vital information they need in order to improve on whatever the task is that they are doing, which in turn can help them avoid making mistakes or avoid falling into a back situation themselves, also if done right it will give you a reputation for helping others and this may land you in a good spot to help more who will come looking for help after having heard from someone else you helped, if done right being constructive with you criticism can also stop people’s feelings getting hurt and it won’t feel like an insult to them if done properly.

so how do you give good constructive criticism? truth is you need to be unbiased and give valid feedback, you can't put yourself in the feedback, it has to come from a place where both sides feel welcomed but not personally attacked, also try to avoid giving any constructive criticism that will benefit yourself in the long run because you’re giving them feedback to help them and not yourself.

also be careful what your criticizing because sometimes some people just don’t want to be criticized at all even if you think they need the help, sometimes they just want to figure it out themselves and if they need your help they will ask,  so if you want to give good constructive criticism then make sure you focus on valid feedback and be unbiased and make sure you clear, understandable and giving relevant feedback.

bad ways to give constructive criticism would be just telling them that it sucks or that you "personally" hate this or that, or even just saying something but not even saying how to fix it.

a good way would be saying so that text looks great, but have you thought about maybe using this font instead so it's more legible for all readers?

in closing 
everyone has a different way of giving constructive criticism so don’t be too pushy and remember everyone does things differently, so don’t take it personal if they don't like your feedback because everyone is different, just remember that you don’t want to push someone if they just don’t want to do it so just be careful you’re not pushing into the bad criticism zone and just make sure the feedback you did give was unbiased and valid so maybe at a later point they might consider your words.


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