Unity Tutorial 01

in the first tutorial i learned how to create and make surfaces and a terian and how to move the camera around, make 3d boxes and spheres, how to move them around etc, i enjoyed making the objects, definaly felt like i was creating something.

in the second tutorial i learned how to manipulate the terain even futher not just by height but how to lower it and even make it have more spikes or detailed mountins, next i learned how to move it so i could create paths and even edit the textures, then i learned how to make it look matlatoic and even how to make objects invisable and blend textures on mountins.

in the next tutorial i learned how to work with the camera, how to import characters, create trees with detailed grass and how to make a massive forest. then i learned how to use scripts/C# to make a gem rotate and animate

i'm starting to get excited for what this game has to show, i love what we done already i love this program and i only hope to keep going with it into the near future till i see where i can get to build a game

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