Feedback Thoughts

Welcome to my thoughts on feedback and here i will discuss what feedback is and give my ideas.

First Article
Why it's so hard to hear negative feedback

for this article they start off by saying how it can cause you to feel negtive yourself but also cause your to raise your anxiety because nobody likes giving bad news, and nobody likes to hear it either, studies show that over time it can effect your mental health and make you not want to try anymore because but really you should just try to listen instead of trying to focus on it, try working out why and coming up with a way to avoid it happening again.

Second Article
A Fixed mindset could be holding you back-here's how to change it.

For this article they discuss how your a fixed mindset can be bad and mostly because working that way can make you feel down and depressed because it's the same thing every day, it can also stop you from learning to adapt which can be bad but in cases where doctors are it could be really bad because they are dealing with lives

basicaly just be yourself, be confident and listen to feedback but also be ready to adapt to any given situation


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