My Time Strategies

For me i found time management i pain in the past, mostly because i'm lazy and procrastinate a lot when i should just get on with things, most of that has to do with me being in bad habits.

in the above links i discovered that looking after yourself is a big key to time management because how can you manage your time if your not thinking straight due to not looking after yourself like not sleeping enough or at wrong times, not eating well or not eating when you should.

Also i found that meditating helps clear the mind and can make managing things a lot easier when it comes to classes and assignments due and help to keep on top of things

For me i feel my biggest time challenges will be to start assignments when i get them rather than waiting till last minute, i find i tend to do this a lot and i hope to break that habit this semester.

Dont do too many things at once.

I know i should just do assignments when i get them, work hard and push myself but i tend to not listen to my own advice and just let things slip when i should just get on top of things as soon as i get them.

So in the future ill try to sleep better and get things done when i get them.



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