Battle for Cleotopia - Alpha

Battle For Cleotopia - Alpha

Here is my game and version of my Alpha, the game is far from finished but iv'e got a house, spawn points, chests to get your hp back, a health bar, a weapon pick up, a pause menu. a forest and lake and structure, acid pool on death, stationary and moving platforms to jump across some are tricky, enemies to fight and a mini boss, then a door and a switch to open as well as a chest to give you your health points back, iv'e yet to add in the maze and some switches and the final boss, i also might make a mini maze to get your weapon first, iv'e also yet to implement quests, i am following this set of tutorals but everything i put in was from this first video Brackey's tutorial

the ones i will follow to finish it are these ones

Jayanam's tutorials

Here's a picture and a video of it
Battle for Cleotopia Alpha


  1. Hey Dani,

    I really enjoyed reading through your game blog for week 11 for the project this semester. I find your game to be really cool and interesting. After reading through your blog and viewing your screenshots from what you have done in the Unity software I feel like you have a real grasp on what you want to achieve for this game and how you want to go about doing it. So far your game looks really impressive and interesting. You even got the coding to work for the most part which I know can be quite tricky to do so well done! What kind of music are you going for? What theme are you going for in your game? What's your stylistic approach for the characters in your game? From looking at your progress I can see that you are doing extremely well. Overall I find your game to be really well thought out. It looks like you have worked so hard to get the beginning of your game completed from what I can see from your images in your blog post. I look forward to seeing the development of the game as the weeks progress and the final result. Good luck with the development of your game!


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